Neovo™ Insecticide/Nematicide*

Neovo™ Insecticide/Nematicide: Powerful Performance on Below Ground Pests

*U.S. EPA Registration Pending

Neovo™ is a next generation, liquid in-furrow insecticide/nematicide that protects against corn rootworm, nematodes and other important below ground pests. Neovo’s nematicidal activity sets it apart from other liquid in-furrow insecticides.

APPLICATION: In-Furrow & Foliar

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: RinoTec™ Technology

IRAC GROUP: "UNB" or Non-Bt bacterial agent of unknown or uncertain MoA classification scheme

MAIN PESTS: Corn Rootworm, Cutworms, Lesion Nematodes, Seed Corn Maggot, Soybean Cyst Nematodes, White Grubs, Wireworms

MAIN CROPS: Cereal Grains, Corn, Cotton, Dry Beans, Peanuts, Soybean, Sunflower

Neovo Insecticide / Nematicide Powered by RinoTec Technology | Pro Farm Group

Neovo's novel ingredient provides efficacy comparable to traditional chemistry without the harsh side effects.

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  • Neovo kills corn rootworm (CRW) and nematodes through ingestion. After being exposed to Neovo, root knot nematodes are no longer able to form galls within the root tissue.
  • Plant roots treated with Neovo have shown repellent qualities.

Neovo's Powerful Performance Rivals Traditional Chemistry

The following best use practices should be kept in mind to effectively use Neovo Insecticide / Nematicide


  • Apply in a T-band or via microtube at 3 to 5 GPA
  • Spray liquid directly over the seed or in-furrow
  • With one trip through the field, seed is planted, fertilized & protected
  • Always read and follow label instructions.

We have a professional sales and technical support team and maintain a robust distributor network. Connect with a ProFarm rep today!