Neovo™ Insecticide/Nematicide: Powerful Performance on Below Ground Pests
Neovo™ Insecticide/Nematicide is not registered for sale or use in the United States. No offer for sale or use of this product is permitted prior to issuance of the required EPA and state registrations.
Neovo™ is a next generation, liquid in-furrow insecticide/nematicide that protects against corn rootworm, nematodes and other important below ground pests. Neovo’s nematicidal activity sets it apart from other liquid in-furrow insecticides.
APPLICATION: In-Furrow & Foliar
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: RinoTec™ Technology
IRAC GROUP: "UNB" or Non-Bt bacterial agent of unknown or uncertain MoA classification scheme
MAIN PESTS: Corn Rootworm, Cutworms, Lesion Nematodes, Seed Corn Maggot, Soybean Cyst Nematodes, White Grubs, Wireworms
MAIN CROPS: Cereal Grains, Corn, Cotton, Dry Beans, Peanuts, Soybean, Sunflower