Neovo™ Insecticide/Nematicide: Powerful Performance on Below Ground Pests
U.S. EPA Registration Pending
Neovo is a next generation, liquid in-furrow insecticide/nematicide that protects against corn rootworm, nematodes and other important below ground pests. Neovo’s nematicidal activity sets it apart from other liquid in-furrow insecticides.
APPLICATION: In-Furrow & Foliar
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Inactivated Burkholderia rinojensis strain A396 and spent fermentation media
MAIN PESTS: Corn Rootworm, Cutworms, Lesion Nematodes, Seed Corn Maggot, Soybean Cyst Nematodes, White Grubs, Wireworms
MAIN CROPS: Cereal Grains, Corn, Cotton, Dry Beans, Peanuts, Soybean, Sunflower