Kill the Coronavirus with Jet-Oxide® 15% Industrial Sanitizer
Protect your employees and business from coronavirus and prevent the spread of coronavirus with Jet-Oxide®15%. Jet-Oxide® 15% is an industrial sanitizer approved by the EPA for industrial surface sanitizing. It is distinctly for agricultural industry use only, specifically as a post-harvest sanitizer and industrial disinfectant product. Jet-Oxide® 15% is not approved for consumer use or use as a hand-sanitizer.
Jet-Oxide® 15% is used in post-harvest packing house sanitation, field equipment sanitation, industrial use, processed fruits and vegetables, food and beverage sanitation.
Jet-Oxide® 15% Industrial Sanitizer
A fast acting, easy-to-use post-harvest peroxyacetic acid (PAA) sanitizer and industrial disinfectant that is used for industrial hard surfaces, post-harvest, unprocessed fruit and vegetable surfaces, irrigation water systems, and sewage and wastewater treatment plants. See detailed usage list below.
Jet-Oxide® 15% has efficacy against E. coli, salmonela, listeria, and Human Coronavirus Strain 229E.
USE ON INDUSTRIAL HARD SURFACES FOR HUMAN CORONAVIRUS: The EPA approved using Jet-Oxide® 15% on industrial hard surfaces for Human Coronavirus and recommends using Jet-Oxide® 15% at 1300 ppm (or 0.13% concentration) of active ingredient – which is about one fluid ounce of Jet-Oxide® 15% mixed in one gallon of water, with at least one minute of exposure. ProFarm Group also recommends the use of a foamer adjuvant.
EPA approval and recommendation can be found at the following link: Jet-Oxide® 15% (EPA #54289-4-81803) is a supplemental registration of PERACLEAN® 15 (EPA #54289-4).
ORGANIC: Jet-Oxide® 15% has WSDA certification and has been verified to comply with the USDA National Organic Standards.
As the product biodegrades, all compounds used in Jet-Oxide® 15% are environmentally friendly.
USES: Institutional/Industrial Sanitizing of Previously Cleaned Non-Porous Food Contact Surfaces in: Dairies, Wineries, Breweries, Food and Beverage Plants, Disinfecting Poultry Premises, Poultry Hatcheries, Animal Housing Facilities, Reverse Osmosis Membranes and Ultra Filtration
Hard Surface Disinfection in: Hospitals, Health Care Facilities, Schools, Colleges, Veterinary Clinics, Animal Life Science Laboratories, Industrial Facilities, Office Buildings, Recreational Facilities, Retail and Wholesale Establishments
Bacteria, Fungi, and Slime Control in: Pulp and Paper Mill Systems, Dispersed Pigments, Cooling Water Systems, Coatings Preservation