Jet-Ag® Sanitizer

Jet-Ag® Fungicide, Bactericide, Algaecide for Agricultural Uses

Jet-Ag® Sanitizer

A broad spectrum peroxyacetic acid sanitizer that prevents, suppresses, eliminates, and controls algae, fungi, and bacterial diseases in agriculture and horticultural industries with 2X the oxidative power.

APPLICATION: Foliar (Aerial or Ground), Soil Treatment, Pre-Plant Dip

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Hydrogen Peroxide 26.5%, Peroxyacetic Acid 4.9%


For the control of fungi and plant pathogens

Treat growing crops to kill or control the growth of disease organisms on plants. Treat soil prior to planting and prior to inoculation with beneficial microorganisms.

Use Jet-Ag® Sanitizer to treat water to suppress/control algae, bacterial slime and odors and sulfides in agricultural irrigation and drainage water and ditches. For irrigation water, apply 5.0 to 25 fluid ounces of Jet-Ag® Sanitizer per 1,000 gallons of water. This amount will provide 2-10 ppm of 100% peroxyacetic acid. Product can be simply added to the body of water as the residual control will allow for the even distribution throughout the water column. Apply Jet-Ag as needed to control and prevent algae growth; apply more often in times of higher water temperatures. As a pre-plant dip treatment, use Jet-Ag for the control/suppression of damping-off, root and stem rot diseases caused by Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium or Thielaviopsis.

1. Use 39.5 to 78.0 fluid ounces of Jet-Ag per 50 gallons of water. 2. Immerse plants or cuttings for 3-5 seconds or until plant is thoroughly wetted in the root zone. 3. Then remove and allow plants or cuttings to drain. Do not rinse. As a soil drench, Jet-Ag® Sanitizer is effective for the control/suppression of soil borne plant diseases such as Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium or Thielaviopsis. Use as a soil drench at the time of seeding or transplanting, as well as periodic drench; treating every 3-4 weeks, after a rain or if diseases becomes present. Use Jet-Ag on potting soil and growing mediums prior to planting.


Greenhouse and Irrigation Sanitation Suppress/control fungi & slime-forming algae on structures: • Benches and equipment, walls, floors and walkways • Ventilation ducts and irrigation systems Soil Drench and Pre-Plant Dip Suppress/control soil born disease, damping-off, root & stem rot diseases caused by: • Pythium, Phytophthora and Rhizoctania • Fusarium or Thielaviopsis on: – Potting soil and growing mediums – Ornamental and nursery plants Foliar Spray Treatment Against Broad-Spectrum Diseases In greenhouses, suppress/control plant pathogens on plant surfaces: • Ornamentals, shrubs, trees, bedding and flowering plants In field control and suppression of disease of nursery stock: • Bedding and flowering plants, woody ornamentals, shade trees, roses, azaleas, rhododendrons and conifers Bareroot Nursery Stock • Prevent Botrytis on bud wood and nursery stock Turf Application • Broad spectrum treatment for the control of algae, fungi and bacteria on all turf: landscape, lawn, athletic and golf grass

Jet-Ag® Sanitizer Logo

The following best use practices should be kept in mind to effectively use Jet-Ag® Sanitizer:




Greenhouse Surface and Equipment
Non – Porous Surface
Evaporative Coolers
Irrigation Systems

Fungi, Bacteria and Algae
(Prevent, Suppress, Eliminate)

Spray Wash
7.9fl oz / 5-gal water
Spray or Soak
1.3 to 1.8 fl oz / 5-gal water
.7 to 1.3 fl oz / 5-gal water
.7 to 2.6 fl oz / 5-gal water

Foliar Spray
Field Treatment
Greenhouse/Shade House

Alternaria, Anthracnose, Aphanomyces
Black Spot – Botrytis (grey mold)
Downy Mildew, Erwinia, Fusarium
Leaf Spot – Phytophthora (blights,
rots), Plas¬mopara, Powdery Mildew
Pseudomonas, Pythium, Rhizoctonia
Rust Scab Smut Thielaviopsis,
Uncinula (powdery mildew) Wilts and
Blights – Red, Blue Green, Black and
Brown – Algae

Initial Curative
Spray or Mist = 3.9 to 7.8 fl. oz. / 5-gal water
Weekly Prevent
Spray or Mist = .75 to 1.3 fl.oz. / 5-gal water
(apply thru irrigation or chemigation)

Cut Flowers

Botrytis, Downy Mildew, Powdery
Mildew and other post-harvest
disease on cut flowers in cold
storage or in transit

Post Harvest = .75 to 1.3 fl. oz. / 5-gal water

Bareroot Nursery StockTurf and Sod Farm

Botrytis on bud wood and
nursery stock in storage

Spray or Dip = 7.8 fl. oz. / 5-gal water

Turf and Sod Farm

Fungi, Bacteria and Algae
(Prevent, Suppress, Eliminate)

Initial Curative
Spray = 3.9 to 15.5 fl. oz. / 5-gal water
Weekly Prevent
Spray = 1.56 to 39.0 fl.oz. / 5-gal water

Specialty Turf (golf course/greens)


Initial Curative
Spray = 1.8 to 7.8 fl. oz. / 5-gal water
Weekly Prevent
Spray = 1.8 to 8.1 fl.oz. / 5-gal water

Seed Bed Treatment


Drench = 2.5 fl oz. / 5-gal water

Post Seed Germination


Light Spray = 0.8 to 1.2 fl oz / 5-gal water

Soil Treatment Prio to Inoculation

Plant Soil Pathogens

Drench = 1.3 to 2.5 oz/ 5-gal water

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