Emergen™ L

Emergen L optimizes conditions for abiotic stress tolerance by providing additional nutrients to the plant. It is engineered to enhance the plant’s all-around vigor by stimulating its metabolic activity, energy economy, and stress durability.

Emergen L optimizes conditions for abiotic stress tolerance by providing additional nutrients to the plant. It is engineered to enhance the plant’s all-around vigor by stimulating its metabolic activity, energy economy, and stress durability.   
Emergen L is comprised of a molecular level substrate containing well-balanced ratios of vital macro, micro, and trace minerals for improved efficacy. Because the organic nutrients and microelements are so small, they are more bio-available and enhance conditions for a more rigorous plant.

Emergen L is an excellent tank mixing partner for traditional fungicides, including Pacesetter®.


PRODUCTS CONTAINS: Potassium (K), organic acids and micronutrients


NOTE: Emergen L is bio-based but not OMRI certified. It is for conventional acres only.


Common Crops (US)

  • Corn
  • Cotton
  • Dry Beans
  • Peanuts
  • Soybeans
  • Wheat

Adding Emergen™ L to the tank improves overall plant nutrition for a better & higher yielding corn crop.    
In 2021 field trials, using Emergen™ L with Pacesetter® produced an average increase of 8.7 bushels per acre    
& a 5:1 ROI compared with a standard fungicide alone.

Adding Emergen™ L to the tank with Pacesetter® has been shown to lead to more soybeans per acre. In 2021 field trials, using Emergen™ L with Pacesetter® led to 5.8 bushels per acre & provided an 8:1 ROI versus a fungicide application alone.

Foliar Rate

10 oz./A


10-20 GPA

Timing – Corn

V4 through Vt-R1

Timing – Soybeans

V3 through R3

Timing – Wheat

Feekes 3 through Feeks 10.5

Timing – Cotton

Early Bloom + 2 weeks

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