Arino™ Insecticide/Nematicide

Arino™ Insecticide/Nematicide: Uncompromising Efficacy Against Nematodes & Wireworms


Arino™ Insecticide/Nematicide is not registered for sale or use in the United States. No offer for sale or use of this product is permitted prior to issuance of the required EPA and state registrations.

Arino™ is a novel, liquid insecticide/nematicide, powered by RinoTec™ Technology that can help your crop get off to a strong start. This new technology aids in the management of nematodes and wireworms in potatoes, onions, and mint. Applied in-furrow at planting time, Arino is easy to work with and compatible with a wide range of fertilizers and crop protection products.

APPLICATION: In-furrow, at planting 
ACTIVE: RinoTec™ Technology 
IRAC GROUP: UNB - Bacterial Agents (Non-Bt) of Unknown or Uncertain MOA 
TARGET PESTS: Columbia Root Knot Nematode, Northern Root Knot Nematode, Lesion Nematode, Wireworm, White Grub 
TARGET CROPS: Potato, Carrot, Onion

Arino Insecticide/Nematicide Logo

Arino™ is a novel, liquid insecticide/nematicide, powered by RinoTec™ Technology that can help your crop get off to a strong start. This new technology aids in the management of nematodes and wireworms in potatoes, onions, and mint. Applied in-furrow at planting time, Arino is easy to work with and compatible with a wide range of fertilizers and crop protection products.

Active: RinoTec™ Technology 
Mode of Action: Arino works through ingestion, feeding site disruption, and repellency.  
IRAC: UNB - Bacterial Agents (Non-Bt) of Unknown or Uncertain MOA  
Formulation: Liquid  
Translocation: RinoTec™ Technology is absorbed and translocated locally within the developing root system creating a protective zone in and around the roots.  
REI: 4-Hours  
PPE: Minimal  
PHI: 0-Day  
When Arino is applied in-furrow, it loosely binds to soil particles. The material is then gradually released into the soil solution and absorbed by the roots,  translocating locally in the developing root system. 

Its persistence in soil and roots provides sustained protection by eliciting a powerful plant-based reaction that repels soil-borne insects and nematodes, creating a zone of protection around the young seedlings.

Five years of field testing by universities and independent researchers have helped define and validate Arino’s value to growers looking for uncompromising efficacy, flexibility, and freedom to farm. Arino™ is exempt from residue tolerances and has established MRL’s for export, ensuring that your crop finishes as strong as it starts.

Arino's novel active ingredient provides efficacy comparable to traditional chemistry without the harsh side effects

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The following best use practices should be put into place to effectively use Arino Insecticide/Nematicide:

  • Use Rate: 20 fl. oz./A
  • Apply in-furrow at planting
  • Follow up with an alternative mode of action 14-21 days after planting
  • May be used with the following fertilizers: 28-0-0, 11-0-0, 10-34-0, 6-24-6, 8-0-0-9

Always read and follow label instructions.