Tree Nuts

Manage Almond Tree Pests with BioUnite™: Navel Orangeworm, Mites, Peach Twig Borer & More

We have more than 45 years of experience in the innovation of biological products for the modern-day farmer. Our technologies are on nearly 50 million acres world-wide and we continue to test our products daily, with over 3,000 field trials conducted globally. This is why you can trust Pro Farm Group to provide you with crop solutions that work.

Brown rot Regalia
Blossom blight Regalia
Anthracnose Regalia
Heat & Sun Stress Haven
Navel orangeworm Grandevo & Venerate XC
Mites Grandevo & Venerate XC
Peach twig borer Grandevo & Venerate XC


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Regalia® Maxx

Regalia® Maxx is sold as a higher concentrate outside the US and used to control powdery mildew, blight, Anthracnose and other bacterial diseases.

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Regalia® CG

Regalia® CG Biofungicide is labeled for ornamental, greenhouse and garden crops to help control powdery mildew, blight, Anthracnose and other bacterial diseases.

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Image of Venerate bioinsecticide white bottle

Venerate® XC

Venerate XC to control aphids, leafhopper, lygus, stink bug, thrips & more

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Bronte Insecticide / Nematicide from Pro Farm Group

Bronte* Insecticide/Nematicide

Bronte™ Insecticide/Nematicide: Uncompromising Efficacy Against Thrips, Aphids, Mites & More

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Haven® Stress Manager for Crop Heat & Sun Damage Protection

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Regalia, a staple in IPM programs, is used preventatively for powdery mildew, blight, Anthracnose and other bacterial diseases.

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